Saturday, August 27, 2016


Resultant of parallel vectors

            Resultant is the single force which have the same effect of two or several forces .If two vectors are in the same direction the resultant magnitude can be obtained by the addition of two magnitude of vectors. And the direction is same as the two vectors.(img:7)
If two vectors are in the opposite direction the magnitude of the resultant can be obtained by the subtraction of the magnitude of the two vectors.the direction of the vector is the direction of the bigger vector. (img:8)
The maximum resultant of two vectors can be obtained when the two vectors are parallel to each other and have the same direction. All the other states are between these two values.(img:9)
R is any resultant of p and q (incline state)

R(min) < R < R(max)

The magnitude of a vector is devoted by the modules.(img:10)

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